Why cant we be Friends?
Dont pay attention to the title. I wanted to ask everyone what there favorite subject in school is and why its your favorite subject. Mine is probably history or sience. I like History because its interesting to see how people lived back then, especially in the hard times. Like reading about the serfs in the midevil ages, they had a pretty rough life, but alot of them were devout Catholics. There was also alot of bloodshed back then because of all the twisted rulers like some today. I like science because it amazes me and makes me feel kind of stupid sometimes. What I find amazing is how people made computers, telephones, cars, and all that type of stuff. What makes me feel stupid is how they figured out how to do it. I dont know if this question has already been asked on someones blog in the past, but theres no harm in answering it again.
Science. I love biology, learning about electricity, animals, cells, the human body, I just get amazed by it. I tend to forget important things like school though so I get even more amazed when I browse through science again. ;)
At the moment, History is my most interesting subject. (I don't really have a fav. subject. I'd like to be a nurse and I found out that you'd have to pretty good at math, science and a few other subjects that aren't exactly my fav. yippee!!)I'm going over old South America at the time when the Spaniards came over to convert all the Aztecs and all. The Aztec religion is extremely interesting...yes, it was totally wrong but it's intriguing, as are all the other heathenous religions.
Well I like math but it's takes a really long time! I also like science because it's fun to learn things about the animal nature, human nature, plants etc. I hate science tests though. The other subjects are all good but I think I could live without them : D. But remember kids, school is COOL!
-Healthy reminders are good for everyone
You think the sacrificing of 100,000's of people is interesting?......Disgusting.....
Hey, I didn't specify that part of their religion but really, don't you find it interesting how different their religion is from ours?
Religion huh? Well I could say that's a must have for a fav subject! But the Aztec religion, I usually get that eerie feeling with all the rituals/massacres/sacrifices to gods and such. But alas, I dont even HAVE history...The only history I've had is American History and the only time it was interesting was when I read about Pope Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and a Russian President/guy (cant remember the name) basically shutting down Communism in Russia! That was cool. I found a sore spot in Science though. When studying about how the systems of a bird work (excretory, digestive, etc.) when its the exact same as all other animals (except smaller)...it gets boring!!! But yeah, its still the sweetest thing.
American history and the 19th century history bores me a lot.
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